Computer Graphics MCQ-10

Hello students this page provides you with Computer Graphics MCQ-10 Computer graphics is a branch of computer science that is used to to display images, photos, pictures, graphics, chart etc. It may also be defined as a branch of computer science that is used to create or develop images or pictures using the computer. It … Read more

Computer Graphics MCQ-6

Hello students this page provides you with Computer Graphics MCQ-6   Q.1 LCD are commonly used in A) Calculators B) Laptop computers C) Portable D) All of these ANSWER= (D) All of these Check Answer   Q.Random scan system are designed for SBTE 2017 A) Line Drawing application B) Pixel drawing application C) color drawing … Read more

Computer Graphics MCQ-4

Hello students this page provides you with Computer Graphics MCQ-4   Q.1 Which image files are a lossy format ? SBTE 2019 A) GIF B) MPEG C) JPEG D) PNG ANSWER= (C) JPEG Check Answer   Q.2 Refresh CRT consist of A) The electron gun assembly B) The phosphor viewing surface C) Glass wrapper D) … Read more

Computer Graphics MCQ-3

Hello students in this page provide you with Computer Graphics MCQ-3   Q.1 The father of animation SBTE 2020 A) Walt Disney B) J. Stuart Blackton C) William Horner D) J.A. Ferdinard Pleateau ANSWER= (B) J. Stuart Blackton Check Answer   Q.2 CRT stand for ? A) Cathod Red Tube B) Carbond Ray Tube C) … Read more

Computer Graphics MCQ-2

Hello students this page provides you with Computer Graphics MCQ-2   Q.1 The quantity of an image depend on A) No. of pixel used by image B) No. of line used by image C) No. of resolution used by image D) None of these ANSWER= (A) No. of pixel used by image Check Answer   … Read more

Computer Graphics MCQ-1

This page provide you with Computer Graphics MCQ-1   Q.1 Computer Graphics Was First Used By A) John Taylor In 1980 B) James Fetter In 1969 C) William Fetter In 1960 D) None of these ANSWER= (C) William Fetter In 1960 Check Answer   Q.2 The component of interactive computer graphics are A) A light … Read more