C Programming MCQs Set-9

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This page provide (C Programming MCQs Set-9) 20 Multiple choice question with Answer that is very useful of Computer science students like preparation of many exam Like ( ISRO,DRDO ,Semester, Interview , Railway & another Government Sector)

C programming is the basic language of programming that help to learn another language. So this MCQ is very useful for you.


C is a general purpose ,high level language that originally developed by Dennis Ritchie to develop the UNIX operating system at Bell labs.


Q.161 Which of the folloeing is not available as a basic data type in c ?

ANSWER= (C) string


Q.162 Which of the following is not available as a derived data type ?

ANSWER= (B) Data


Q.163 The body of a While loop has

ANSWER= (C) one or more statement


Q.164 Which of this is used to skip one iteration:

ANSWER= (B) continue


Q.165 Which of the following does not require to include math.h header file?

ANSWER= (D) ran()


Q.166 Find out the output for the following program

  void main()
  float f=543476789;

ANSWER= (B) 5.434768e+8


Q.167 Which of the following statements about the printf of function is false

ANSWER= (A) It is a part of the c language


Q.168 Which is correct with respect to size of the datatypes?

ANSWER= (C) char < int < double


Q.169 Literal means ?

ANSWER= (B) A string constant


Q.170 Find out the output for the following program

  void main()
  float f =243269.24;

ANSWER= (C) 2.432692E+5


Q.171 Find out the output for the following program

  void main()
  char s[10] = “study”;

ANSWER= (B) %s


Q.172 The value returned by the getchar() function when when there is no more input is ?



Q.173 The precedence of !=, as compared to =, is

ANSWER= (B) Higher


Q.174 which of the following is not a fundamental datatype?

ANSWER= (A) Enum


Q.175 All keywords in C are in ?

ANSWER= (A) LowerCase letters


Q.176 The null statement in c is indicated by ?

ANSWER= (C) the semi-colon


Q.177 Find out the output for the following program

  void main()
  int a=10,x;
  x= a– + ++a;

ANSWER= (B) 20


Q.178 Find out the output for the following program

  int main()
  float x = ‘a’;
  printf(“%f”, x);
  return 0;

ANSWER= (B) 97.000000


Q.179 Find out the output for the following program

  void main()
  int i;
  scanff(“%i”, &i);

Input – 071

ANSWER= (B) 57


Q.180 Variable name resolving (number of significant characters for uniqueness of variable) depends on

ANSWER= (A) Compiler and linker implementations

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