Hello students welcome to CSE Study247 , Today I am provide you MCQs on Operator in C.
This page provide 20 Multiple choice question with Answer that is very useful of Computer science students like preparation of many exam Like ( ISRO,DRDO ,Semester, Interview, TCS , Railway & another Government Sector)
❤️ TOP 500+ C Programming Question and Answer
C programming is the basic language of programming that help to learn another language. So this MCQ is very useful for you.

C is a general purpose ,high level language that originally developed by Dennis Ritchie to develop the UNIX operating system at Bell labs.
Q.1 a+b where a and b is
Q.2 a+b where + is
Q.3 Which of the following is example of relational operator in C
Q.4 ++ and — are unary operators
Q.5 != is the example of —— operator.
Q.6 Find out the output for the following program
void main()
int x = 45%10;
printf(“%d”, x);
Explain 10×4 + 5 = 45. So reminder is 5
Q.7 Which of the following operator is used to find the size of any variable ?
Q.8 Which of the following is a logical opeartor ?
Q.9 The operator % can be applied only to ?
Q.10 Find out the output for the following program
void main()
float x = 8;
printf(“%f”, x);
Explain integer value 8 is promoted to float i.e 8.0 and printed with all 6 decimal numbers
Q.11 The symbol of execlusive ‘or’ operator ?
Q.12 Which expression execute quickly ?
Q.13 Which operator has the lowest priority ?
Q.14 Identify the invalid expression ?
Q.15 Find out the output for the following program
void main()
float x = 4.5 + 5.5;
printf(“%d”, (int)x);
Q.16 Indentify the invalid compound operators ?
Q.17 Relational operators cannot be used on
Q.18 The operators used to access number of structures is
Q.19 Operator % in C Language is called ?
Q.143 Find out the output for the following program
void main()
double y = 12.6;
int x = 10;
int z;
z = x + y;
printf(“%d”, z);
S.NO | MCQ | SET-1 | SET-2 |
1 | Data Types | CLICK | |
2 | Operator | CLICK | CLICK |
3 | Control Structure | CLICK | CLICK |
4 | Looping Structure | CLICK | CLICK |
5 | Array | CLICK | CLICK |
6 | Function | CLICK | CLICK |
7 | Pointer | CLICK | CLICK |
8 | Structure and Unions | CLICK | CLICK |
9 | C Interview MCQ | CLICK | CLICK |
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