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This page provide you (C Programming MCQs Set-8) – 20 Multiple choice question with Answer that is very useful of Computer science students like preparation of many exam Like ( ISRO,DRDO ,Semester, Interview , Railway & another Government Sector)
C programming is the basic language of programming that help to learn another language. So this MCQ is very useful for you.

C is a general purpose ,high level language that originally developed by Dennis Ritchie to develop the UNIX operating system at Bell labs.
Q.141 Find out the output for the following program
void main()
int 2x=65;
Q.142 Find out the output for the following program
void main()
char Int x=65;
Q.143 Find out the output for the following program
void main()
char true =65;
Q.144 The c compiler is written in
Q.145 The address of a variable can be obtained using _____ operator.
Q.146 The statements of a function are enclosed in ?
Q.147 The C notation for the new line characters is ?
Q.148 Which of the following is example of call by value ?
Q.149 A C variable cannot start with
Q.150 In c comments are placed between the characters
Q.151 Which of the following spwcial symbol allowed in a variable name ?
Q.152 which of the below function is NOT declared in math.h ?
Q.153 Where are the local variable stored ?
Q.154 what does the default header file contain?
Q.155 The range of the int data type in c
Q.156 atoi() function is used for:
Q.157 Find out the output for the following program
void main()
int avg no =65;
printf(“%d”,avg no);
Explain = avg_no
Q.158 Find out the output for the following program
void main()
float a =65.2;
Q.159 Find out the output for the following program
void main()
char c = a;
Q.160 What is dangling pointer?
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