Hello students welcome to CSE Study247 , Today I am provide you MCQs on Pointer in C.
This page provide 20 Multiple choice question with Answer that is very useful of Computer science students like preparation of many exam Like ( ISRO,DRDO ,Semester, Interview, TCS , Railway & another Government Sector)
TOP 500+ C Programming Question and Answer
C programming is the basic language of programming that help to learn another language. So this MCQ is very useful for you.

C is a general purpose ,high level language that originally developed by Dennis Ritchie to develop the UNIX operating system at Bell labs.
Q.1 A Pointer is variable that store —- of another variable ?
Q.2 Which of the following is an address operator ?
Q.3 Which of the following is dereferencening operator ?
Q.4 Which of the following type of address stored in pointer variable ?
Q.5 —- Operator can be applied to pointer variables.
Q.6 Find out the output for the following program
void main()
char *p;
Q.7 A Pointer is
Q.8 * is called
Q.9 Pointer variable is declared using preceding — sign.
Q.10 In c pointer variable to an integer can be created by the decalaration
Q.11 A pointer variable can be returned by a function.
Q.12 Which is the pointer which denotes the object calling the member function ?
Q.13 Find out the output for the following program
void main()
int p = 1;
Q.14 Find out the output for the following program
void main()
int p = 5;
Q.15 What is the advantage of pointer ?
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