Design and analysis of algorithm MCQs

Design and analysis of algorithm MCQs which is very useful for Computer Science students.

These MCQs are Based on the basic concept of an algorithm.


An algorithm is the step-step by step instruction to solve any problem. It prepares a rough written to show the steps involved in the program.

Algorithm Life cycle steps

  1. Problem definition
  2. Requirement (Condition)
  3. Logic/Design
  4. Develop algorithm(Expres)
  5. Validation ( prove Correctness)
  6. Analysis
  7. Implementation
  8. Testing and debugging

Need for analysis (why)

  1. To determine restore consumption(Time +space+cost)
  2. Performance comparison to find an effective solution algorithm

Q.1   Father of algorithm?

  1. Md Musa Alkhwarjmi
  2. Donald Ervin Knuth
  3. John Tukey
  4. None

Q.2 Which of the following is true about apostriori analysis.

  1. It gives exact value in real unit
  2. It is difficult to carry out
  3. It is easy to carry out
  4. Both A & B

Q.3 Algorithm can be represented.

  1. Flowchart
  2. Syntax
  3. Both A & B
  4. None

Q.4 Which of the following analyses is a platform-independent.

  1. Apostriori analysis
  2. Apriori Analysis
  3. Both
  4. None

Q.5 Which of the following notation is used to major tight-bound.

  1. Big oh
  2. Theta
  3. Big Omega
  4. None

Q.6 Which of the following notation is used to major proper upper bound?

  1. Little oh
  2. Big Omega
  3. Litle omega
  4. None

Q.7 Big Omega follow the property of symmetric?

  1. True
  2. False

Q.8 Big oh follow property of Transitive property?

  1. True
  2. False

Q.9 100n.logn=Big oh O(n.logn).

  1. True
  2. False

Q.10 root logn = Big oh O(log logn)

  1. True
  2. False

Q.11 What is the correct Time complexity of T(n)=T(n-1)+d, where n>1

  1. Big oh(n)
  2. Theta(n)
  3. nlog
  4. None

Q.12 Which of the following options is correct?


  1. O(n)
  2. nlog
  3. nlogn
  4. None

Q.13 Which notation describes the best-case time complexity of an algorithm?

  1. Big oh
  2. Theta
  3. Big Omega
  4. None

Q.14 Numer of steps of an algorithm.

  1. 10
  2. 100
  3. Finite
  4. Infinite

Q.15 Which of the following analyses is known as a theoretical analysis of an algorithm?

  1. A Posterior Analysis
  2. A Priori Analysis
  3. Both A & B
  4. An Independent analysis

Q.16 O(1) Means

  1. Constant
  2. Linear
  3. Cubic
  4. None

Q.17 A Priory algorithm analysis does not include ?

  • Time complexity
  • Space complexity
  • Program complexity
  • None

Q.18 Highest run time complexity is?

  1. Prime number
  2. Fibonacci series
  3. Tower of Hanoi
  4. None

Q.19 Which of the following cases does not exist in complexity theory

  1. Best case
  2. Worst case
  3. Average case
  4. Null case

Q.20 Space complexity of an algorithm is the maximum amount of ——– required by it during execution of a program/

  1. Time
  2. Operation
  3. Memory space
  4. None

Some Important Link

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Multiple Choice Questions For Computer Science

1Basic Computer
2IT System (Diploma)
3C Programming
4C++ Programming
5Java Programming
6Data Structure
7Computer Organization
& Architecture

8Operating System
9Digital Electronics
10Data Base Management System
11System Maintenance
12Data Communication & Networking
13Internet & Web Technology
14Software Engineering
15Computer Graphics
17System Software
19Visual Basic
20Artificial Intelligence
21BCECE LE English
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