Hey Guys Welcome to CSE Stud247 , Today I am provide you Material Management MCQs
The process by which the organization achieves their goal is known as management.
As we known that an organization like Company, school, collage, institute etc. is a system that a group of several functional components, where they are responsible to perform their tasks to achieve the organization goal.
The term management is nothing but the synchronization of the task of various functional components, The management is the major component of any business.
Q.1 is the process of planning, procuring, storing and providing the appropriate material of the right quality, right quality at the right place in the right time
ANSWER= (B) Materials management
Q.2 EOQ can be used by
ANSWER= (D) All of these
Q.3 Material planning is based on data from ________________ department
ANSWER= (A) sales
Q.4 ABC analysis is the ——-concept.
Q.5 In EOQ —– quantity is ordered
ANSWER= (D) Optimum
Q.6 SCMM Stands for
ANSWER= (A) Supply chain material management
Q.7 ERP Stands for
ANSWER= (C) Enterprise resource planning
Q.8 The most precious part of an organization is :
ANSWER= (A) Money
Q.9 Who has made a distinction between an inventor and an innovator ?
ANSWER= (C) J.A. Schumpeter
Q.10 ABC analysis and EOQ technique are
ANSWER= (D) All of these
Q.11 Modern techniques of material management ?
ANSWER= (D) All of these
Q.12 ABC analysis which inventory is classified into category A items
ANSWER= (B) 70-80%
Q.12 In ABC analysis which inventory is classified into category B items?
ANSWER= (A) 15-25%
Q.14 In ABC analysis which inventory is classified into category C items?
ANSWER= (C) 5-10%
Q.15 Which among these is a Financail statement ?
ANSWER= (B) Balance sheet
Q.16 Inventory management is a process of maintaing the optimum item at
ANSWER= (B) Minimum cost
Q.17 Which is not a Financial statement ?
ANSWER= (A) Trail balance
Q.18 ——- inventory consists of semi-finished components.
ANSWER= (B) Raw material
Q.19 The basis of ABC Analysis in inventory control depends on what ?
ANSWER= (B) Unit cost of item
Q.20 In Relation to material requirement planning the span of time needed to perform a process is called