Data communication and Network – Network Topology MCQs

Hello students welcome to These Multiple choice question Based on the Network Topology   Q.1 Which network topology reqires a central controller or a hub ? A) Star B) Mesh C) Ring D) All of the above ANSWER= (A) Star Check Answer   Q.2 Which topology reqires a multipoint connection ? A) Star B) … Read more

Types of Network MCQ | Computer Networking MCQ SET-1

  Q.1 What was the name of first computer network ? A) OSI B) ARPANET C) MAC D) None of these ANSWER= (B) ARPANET Check Answer   Q.2 LAN Stands For ? A) Local area network B) Location area network C) Local are network A) Local area network ANSWER= (B) ARPANET Check Answer   Q.3 … Read more

Data Communication and networking MCQs

Hello students welcome to ☣ Today I am provides you Basic (Introduction) MCQ SET-1 on Data Communication and networking   Q.1 When did the internet start ? A) 1960 B) 1965 C) 1970  D) None ANSWER= (A) 1960 Check Answer   Q.2 The Father of Internet A) Robert B) William Inmon C) Vint Cerf  … Read more

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