Network Devices Multiple Choice Question With Answer | Networking MCQs

In this page provides you Network Devices Multiple Choice Question With Answer. In this MCQ Sets is very useful of many Exam like Semester ,ISRO, DRDO ,Banking ,Railway


Q.1 Which of the devices that is used to build and interconect network ?

ANSWER= (D) All of the above


Q.2 Which of the following Device is Maintain IP Address ?

ANSWER= (A) Router


Q.3 A Device that connects networks with different protocols ?

ANSWER= (B) Gateway


Q.5 Which of the following Device is used to Boostup the Weak Signals ?

ANSWER= (C) Repeater


Q.5 Which of the following Device is used to connect similar Protocols ?

ANSWER= (C) Bridges


Q.6 Which of the following Device is used to connect one LAN to other LAN Using Same protocol ?

ANSWER= (A) Switch


Q.7 Repeater operates in which layer of the OSI Model

ANSWER= (A) Physical Layer


Q.8 Which of the following device is used to send the message is Secure ?

ANSWER= (A) Physical Layer


Q.9 ——— is generally used to Unicast the message ?

ANSWER= (B) Switch


Q.10 Which is no the strategies of Switch ?

ANSWER= (B) Store & Backward Switch


Q.11 ——- is a Network device which works as a traffic controller ?

ANSWER= (C) Router


Q.12 Router Works Under the —— of OSI Model

ANSWER= (B) Network Layer


Q.13 Transmission Mode of HUB

ANSWER= (C) Half Duplex


Q.14 The data speed of HUB ?

ANSWER= (A) 10Mbps


Q.15 In which of the following device is used to connect totally dissimilar type of network

ANSWER= (B) Gateway


Q.16 A Three layer switch is a kind ?

ANSWER= (C) Router


Q.17 Which of the following Device is operates in all seven layers of OSI Model ?

ANSWER= (A) Gateway


Q.18 A Gateway is also known as ?

ANSWER= (C) Firewall


Q.19 The central connetion point of a star network ?



Q.20 A device that can used to digital signals to analog signals is ?

ANSWER= (C) Modem

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