Hey Guys Welcome to CSE Study247, This page provides you 5th Sem CSE Important questions of SBTE Bihar which is very useful for Computer Science students.
If you study all these questions then your performance good in your examination and increase your marks in your semester Exam.
These Question Frame by Alok Sir Founder of CTH Education
Subjects | Computer Hardware and networking important questions Mobile Computing OOP Through Java Multimedia Technology |

Table of Contents
Computer Hardware and networking important questions
Unit – 01: PC Components and System Board.
- What is hardware? Explain in brief different hardware components.
- What is software? Explain different types of software.
- Differentiate between Hardware and Firmware.
- Explain the boot process. Write the function of BIOS.
- Differentiate between Unix and Linux.
- Discuss about the motherboard. Also, explain its type in brief.
- What is the bus? Explain different types of buses in a computer system.
- List various SMPS power supply connectors used in PC-AT.
- What is an expansion slots? List any four expansion slots available on the motherboard.
- Write short notes on:
a. POST (Power On Self-Test)
b. Beep Code
c. USB (Universal Serial Bus)
d. CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)
Unit – 02: Managing Storage devices
- What is semiconductor memory? Also, explain its type.
- Differentiate between RAM and ROM.
- Explain different types of RAM in detail.
- Write the difference between SRAM and DRAM.
- Explain different types of Read Only Memory(ROM).
- Briefly explain ROM and PROM.
- Discuss about different types of hard drive technology.
- Explain the liquid crystal display.
- Briefly describe RAID configurations.
- Write short notes on:
a. SIMM and DIMM
b. Disk fragmentation
Unit – 03: Troubleshooting Fundamentals
- What is troubleshooting? How to troubleshoot a hard drive?
- Explain troubleshooting on the motherboard.
- Explain troubleshooting methods for power supply failure and memory management.
- Explain the need for the installation of device drivers. Explain the function of the chipset.
- Explain the steps for disk defragmentation.
- Describe the process of disk formatting.
- State the need for disk partitioning and steps for disk partitioning.
- Discuss about UPS. Explain its type.
- How to troubleshoot the System Board?
10. Write short notes on:
a. Surge Protection and Battery Backup:
b. Bootable rescue disc
c. Diagnostic software
Unit – 04: Introduction to Networks and LAN components
- What is the network? Explain different types of computer networks.
- What are the three necessary criteria for an effective and efficient network?
- What do you mean by Data communication? What are the components of data communication system?
- How circuit switching is different from packet switching?
- State the need for protocols in computer networks. List different protocols in each layer
- of the OSI model. Explain the function of the network layer.
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of computer networks?
- List different networking devices with the applications.
- Explain propagation methods of unguided media.
- What do you understand by FSK? Explain it.
- Explain the OSI reference model. List all the layers of the OSI model.
- Differentiate between the TCP/IP model and the OSI model.
- Explain network topology. List different topologies. Write advantages and disadvantages of
- bus topology.
- Explain the difference between connection-oriented service and connectionless
- communication.
- What is DNS? What are the main types of DNS servers?
- Compare IPv4 and IPv6. Explain use of SMTP and FTP protocol.
- Explain TCP/IP model. List different protocols used in TCP/IP model. Explain TCP
- header format.
- List the features of TCP and UDP. Explain role of DNS server.
22. Write short notes on:
a) Modem
b) Router
c) Coaxial cable
d) Optical fiber
Unit – 05: Network Addressing and Management
- What is IP address? What are the components of IP Address?
- What are the different classes of IP addresses and give the range of each class?
- Explain sub-netting and super-netting. List number of host and number of network possible in each class of networking.
- Classify IP address into different classes with their range. Explain classful and classless addressing.
- Explain the difference between Static and Dynamic IP?
- Differentiate between classful and classless addressing.
- What is subnet mask? Also explain sub-netting.
- Define framing. Describe character stuffing and bit stuffing framing method.
- What is the LOOPBACK address?
- State the need for protocol. Also differentiate between IPv4 and IPv6.
- What are the important differences between MAC address and IP address?
12. Write short notes on:
b) FTP
Mobile Computing Important Questions
- What is multimedia? Discuss various elements of multimedia.
- What is meant by the term static and dynamic media?
- Difference between raster and vector image.
- Discuss about application of multimedia in:
a. Education
b. Research and development
c. Entertainment - What is animation? Write the application of animation.
- Differentiate between animation and simulation.
- What is meant by the terms multimedia and hypermedia?
- Explain briefly about the window platforms that support multimedia.
- What is enhanced definition system and high definition system explain?
- Enumerates and explain different input and output devices.
- What is multimedia system?
- Discuss about sound card and video card in details.
- Explain different types of compression technique in multimedia.
- Give the basic principle of video compression. Explain the MPEG-based video compression techniques.
- Write the difference between BMP and PDF file formats.
- What is the advantage of Nyquist’s Sampling theorem?
- Explain Huffman coding Algorithm by using suitable example.
- Discuss different color models.
- Discuss in details the various CD standards used for storing multimedia data.
- Explain MPEG4 and H.264 standard in detail.
- How P-frames are encoded in MPEG – 1? Explain in details.
- What is multimedia authoring tools? Discuss different types of authoring tools in multimedia.
- Write short notes on:
a. GIF Compression
b. Multimedia Servers
c. Communication devices
d. Storage devices
- What is Multimedia software? Write the name of any four multimedia software.
- Describe the features of Macro-media and 3-D Studio authoring tools.
- Describe the features of Adobe PhotoShop.
- Write short notes on:
a. Adobe Photoshop
b. 3-D studio
c. Paint Shop Pro
d. Harvard graphics
- What is virtual reality? Write the application of virtual reality.
- Explain different types of virtual reality.
- Why we need a virtual reality?
- Define text and explain the use of text in multimedia with proper examples.
- What do you mean by audio? Explain different types of audio file format.
- What do you mean by MIDI? Explain analog and digital signal.
- How can MIDI be used with modern data compression techniques?
- Compare the MIDI and Digital audio.
- What causes sound? How is sound recorded digitally?
- What is the use of video? Discuss about digital video.
- Explain the process of video capturing and editing.
OOP Through Java Important Questions
Unit – 01: Principles of Object-Oriented Programming with Introduction to JAVA
- Discuss the procedure oriented language with OOPs with proper example.
- Write the difference between procedure oriented and object oriented programming.
- Explain the basic concept of object oriented programming.
- State four features of java.
- Discuss abstraction, encapsulation and inheritance with example.
- Differentiate between java and C++.
- What do you mean by byte code? Explain it.
- Differentiate between JDK, JVM and JRE.
- Discuss garbage collection in java.
- Give the attributes of applet tag.
Unit – 02: Data types, variables, and Arrays
- Discuss various data types used in java with proper example.
- What do you mean by primitive and non-primitive data types? Define it with examples.
- Discuss type conversion and type casting with proper example.
- What do you mean by identifier in java? Explain it.
- What is an array? What are the different ways to create arrays in Java?
- What are the differences between Array and ArrayList in Java?
Unit-03: Operators and control statement
- Write a program to accept number from user and convert into binary by using wrapper
class methods. - .Write a program to find out whether the given number is palindrome or not.
- Discuss arithmetic, bitwise and relational operators with proper example.
- 20.What do you mean by bitwise logical operator and Boolean logical operator? Define it.
- Explain working of break and continue with java code.
- Write any program to check leap year in Java.
- Write a program in Java to find the roots of quadratic equation.
- Write a program in java to explain recursion.
Unit – 04: Classes and methods
25.Explain the concept of class in java? How objects are created?
26.Explain the functionality of file class.
27.What is constructor? Explain different types of constructor in java.
28.What do you mean by constructor and destructor?
29.Differentiate between final and finalize in java.
30.What do you mean by method in java? Why we use method in java program?
- Define the term static method with example.
- Discuss about method overloading and constructor overloading in Java.
- What do you mean by recursive method? Explain it with an example.
- Write short notes on: a. This keyword b. Static keyword c. Garbage collection
Unit – 05: Inheritance and package introduction and Exception Handling
- What is inheritance in java? Explain its different types.
- What do you mean by multi-level inheritance? Explain it with example.
- Write any program using multiple inheritance.
- How to create a package? Explain with example.
- Differentiate between method overloading and method overriding.
- What do you mean by interface? Define it with example.
- What do you mean by class modifier? Define it with example.
- What is Exception in Java? Explain its type in brief.
- What do you mean by un-checked exceptions? Explain it.
- Explain various available Exception keywords in java.
- Write short notes on: a. Abstract class b. Object class c. Try & catch keyword
Unit – 06: Multithreaded Programming and I/O
- What is thread? Explain life cycle of thread in Java.
- Explain java thread model. Discuss the thread priorities.
- Differentiate between multi-tasking and multi-threading.
- What do you mean by resuming and stopping of threads? Explain it.
- Write any program of thread including suspend () and stop ().
- What do you mean by stream in Java? Discuss its type in brief.
- Write the difference between character stream and byte stream.
- Explain input and output console in Java.
- Write short notes on: a. Thread synchronization b. Alive( ) and join( )
Unit – 07: Database connectivity using JDBC driver Interface
- What do you mean by JDBC? Explain it.
- Explain JDBC architecture in detail.
- Discuss the steps required to connecting database using JDBC.
Multimedia Technology Important Questions
- What is multimedia? Discuss various elements of multimedia.
- What is meant by the term static and dynamic media?
- Difference between raster and vector image.
- Discuss about application of multimedia in:
a. Education
b. Research and development
c. Entertainment - What is animation? Write the application of animation.
- Differentiate between animation and simulation.
- What is meant by the terms multimedia and hypermedia?
- Explain briefly about the window platforms that support multimedia.
- What is enhanced definition system and high definition system explain?
- Enumerates and explain different input and output devices.
- What is multimedia system?
- Discuss about sound card and video card in details.
- Explain different types of compression technique in multimedia.
- Give the basic principle of video compression. Explain the MPEG-based video compression techniques.
- Write the difference between BMP and PDF file formats.
- What is the advantage of Nyquist’s Sampling theorem?
- Explain Huffman coding Algorithm by using suitable example.
- Discuss different color models.
- Discuss in details the various CD standards used for storing multimedia data.
- Explain MPEG4 and H.264 standard in detail.
- How P-frames are encoded in MPEG – 1? Explain in details.
- What is multimedia authoring tools? Discuss different types of authoring tools in multimedia.
- Write short notes on:
a. GIF Compression
b. Multimedia Servers
c. Communication devices
d. Storage devices
- What is Multimedia software? Write the name of any four multimedia software.
- Describe the features of Macro-media and 3-D Studio authoring tools.
- Describe the features of Adobe PhotoShop.
- Write short notes on:
a. Adobe Photoshop
b. 3-D studio
c. Paint Shop Pro
d. Harvard graphics
- What is virtual reality? Write the application of virtual reality.
- Explain different types of virtual reality.
- Why we need a virtual reality?
- Define text and explain the use of text in multimedia with proper examples.
- What do you mean by audio? Explain different types of audio file format.
- What do you mean by MIDI? Explain analog and digital signal.
- How can MIDI be used with modern data compression techniques?
- Compare the MIDI and Digital audio.
- What causes sound? How is sound recorded digitally?
- What is the use of video? Discuss about digital video.
- Explain the process of video capturing and editing.
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