1. Programming 2. Data Structure & Algorithm 3. Theory of Computation 4. Operating System 5. Database management system 6. Computer Network 7. Engineering Mathematic 8. General Aptitude  9. Computer Organization and Architecture  10. Digital Logic 11. Compiler Design   12. Discrete Math

Subjects CS/IT

All Shotes notes Link Given last slide

GATE-Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is a type of Entrance exam with the help of which we take admission to a higher degree (Mtech) and get a high package job and PSU Jobs.

Tips for Crack GATE Exam

– Study all the subject – Make short note – Revision – Test Serie – Consistency – Motivation – Books For Theory and Example

Benefits of the GATE Exam

– Eligibility for postgraduate studie – Opportunities for higher education  – Career opportunitie – Personal development – High salary job

How to Make Note

1. listen lecture after that revisit the lecture and make note 2. Write everything in long note 3. Practice question 4. Keep Update note

2 Types of Note – Details Note – Short Notes

How To Utilize Notes?    1. Revision 2. Quick Revision

Top Quotes to Motivate GATE Aspirants

If you want to shine like A Sun first Burn like a Sun.

It always seems impossible until it’s done. –By Nelson Mandela

I think I can. I know I can. –By Jennifer Wittwer

GATE CSE Short Notes PDF

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